Trust & Safety

Actively crafting a sincere and inclusive space

 We have safeguards to ensure a safe and respectful digital environment is maintained for consumers and business users alike. Our team is vigilant in monitoring the site and will identify and address inappropriate or deceptive content.

How to report reviews that violate GuardsZone’s guidelines

Here at GuardsZone we value all voices and support everyone’s freedom to express their opinions as long as they are conscientious about their contributions. Learn more about when to report a review and how you can do so after reviewing our content guidelines for a more vivid understanding of what would and wouldn’t be advisable to publish on our platform.

Contribution Screening

GuardsZone has a dedicated team of individuals who oversee the user-generated content submitted to our platform. All reported content will undergo an independent investigative process conducted by our employees to ensure that our Terms of Service and Content Guidelines are followed.

Authentication of information on business page

Since GuardsZone users rely on the data listed on a business page to inform their consumer decisions, we believe it is imperative that all information is factually accurate. The first step in this process is requiring security guard companies to submit their license verification documents so we can review them – the business page stays pending until we can confirm this and all other information, at which point the company’s listing page will go public for users to view. If the business updates any of their business data at a later point, those changes will also be evaluated.

GuardsZone Support Center
What are the guidelines for general business information?

Service categories

The security guard services that a business provides is the foundation of our consumer search – how users will find your business and become a potential paying customer. For that reason, it is crucial that the self-categorization of a business precisely reflects what services they actually provide. We continuously screen the site to ensure that the service offerings listed are applicable, and businesses that mislabel themselves in an attempt to gain more clientele will see the removal of  incorrect services from their page and their listing may rank lower on our search page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Content Guidelines  outline what should and shouldn’t be posted to our platform in reviews and media uploads, as well as general rules of conduct to maintain a respectful environment online. Please strive to be a conscientious contributor yourself and report questionable content published by other users.

Any threatening, violent, prejudiced, or otherwise malicious or antagonistic content is prohibited on GuardsZone. If users partake in this type of behavior, their accounts will be suspended or removed. Please click here  to learn more.

We urge all users to aid in cultivating a positive environment here on GuardsZone, and you can find more information on how to do so by reading our Content Guidelines. If your business has received a negative review, use it as an opportunity to display your extraordinary customer service skills through a public comment or diffuse the situation privately by messaging the user. 

Please note that reviewers are protected by the First Amendment in their right to expression and we do not take sides in disputes in which neither side can provide concrete evidence to back up their claims.

Yelp links to their Support Center page dedicated to Legal Questions.

All changes that a business user makes to their business information will be visible immediately on their company’s page. GuardsZone will be alerted that changes have been made and if we believe any information is not accurate, the changes will be reverted within 72 hours (3 business days). If the updated information was verified, your edits will remain.


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